Wolfscratch Wilderness Covers North Georgia

February 19th, 1995


“Wolfscratch Wilderness”, written by Charlene Terrell, has just been published. It’s subtitle “A backward walk in time in an Old North Georgia Settlement” leads one into the rich history of the area where Big Canoe, in Pickens County, is located north of Atlanta. The author has written a narrative history of the area from the Indians to the recent past. The book includes many historic photographs and stories about old times and customs, an era that is fast disappearing as the area is developed into a resort community. A great portion of the book contains specific family narratives, but they are more than family histories, as the chapters relate to the life and times of these people, not just who begat whom. The Tate marble family, the major owners in the area, are also covered. There is a surname-only index. This book should be required reading for the newcomers to the area, since it captures the rich history of North Georgia from bygone eras. It is a good example that others could follow to capture lost “civilizations” from their own areas where modern development has changed the area forever. The 680-page work is available for $25 postpaid from the author, Charlene Terrell, 2000 Wildcat Dr., 162 Big Canoe, Big Canoe, Ga. 30143 and at area bookstores.


“Researching in Georgia: Some Unique Sources” is the Georgia Genealogical Society’s seminar topic. Speakers are: Frances Beckemeyer (Colonial Georgia), Jane Nardy (tax records), Delia Gilliland (military records), Joye Quinn (land lottery records), as well as the Founding of Georgia and court records. 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. includes lunch. Saturday, March 4. Members $12 non-members $15. Peachtree Presbyterian Church, 3434 Roswell Rd. NW, Atlanta. Send checks to Georgia Genealogical Society c/o Robert Warnock, 302 S. River Farm Dr., Alpharetta, Ga. 30202 or call 449-8228.

“Heritage Quest Seminar” . Leland K. Meitzler, editor of Heritage Quest, will speak on a variety of topics. 9-4:30. Saturday, March 4. $40 includes year’s subscription to Heritage Quest. Hotel at corner of Shingleroof Campground, Ga. Highway 155 and Campground Rd., north of McDonough. Limited to 100. Mail checks to sponsor, Genealogical Society of Henry and Clayton Counties, P.O.Box 1296, McDonough, Ga. 30253 or call 954-1456.


The Georgia Archives has the following free Lunch and Learn Seminars scheduled from 12:15-1:15 at 330 Capitol Ave., Atlanta. Light lunch provided. Feb. 28: Native American Research by Martha Redus; March 14: Computers, CDs and the Archives by Jan McLendon. These lectures are well worth your time. Ms. Redus’ lecture last year opened many new avenues for those attending. Ms. McLendon is securing new CDs for the Archives from several genealogy sources and can discuss their pros and cons.

UPDATE: Martha Redus died some time ago.


McIntosh County, Georgia’s historical society is the Lower Altamaha Historical Society, P.O.Box 1405, Darien, Ga. 31305. They have quarterly meetings and are recording the county’s cemetery records.